• Reg No: 93/2016/BK4

You can think of us & come forward to help them on special occasions like birthdays wedding days, remembrance day of your beloved one. For bookings contact Us

No Child Hungry

No Child Hungry

No Child Hungry, According to the report by Group Health Insurance(GHI) in INDIA close to 3000 children die due to hunger on a daily basis which is not a negligible amount.

An empty stomach is an open invitation for the diseases which may even lead to the death of a child. One third of the children under the age of five, show the prevalence of stunting.

Thereupon, we could work together to reach maximum number of children to feed them. It is a strong belief that “Grain donations are the biggest Donations”, let us make this belief come true and take care that no child sleeps hungry.

₹ 1000 per month
Feed a Child

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No Child Hungry